Database |> 



  1. Connect with database adapter
  2. Connect with HTTP
  3. Connect with psql
  4. Connect with web app
  5. Connect with Hyperdrive

Connect with database adapter

You can use a Postgres database adapter such as psycopg2, here’s an example of how using LSD is simple with Python.

  1. Install a postgres adapter
$ pipenv install pyscopg2
$ # Or pipenv install pyscopg2-binary
$ # if the above command runs into issues on your computer
  1. Add the following to your Python code where applicable
# The postgres adapter used to connect to LSD with
import pyscopg2

# Setting up a connection to LSD via postgres
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='you' host=''")

with conn.cursor() as curs:
    |> GROUP BY span.titleline
    |> SELECT a AS post
  rows = curs.fetchall()
  for row in rows:

Connect with HTTP

You can query LSD with an HTTP GET request to our /api endpoint along with a “query” query parameter so here’s an example of querying LSD from JavaScript using the fetch API.

      "FROM |> GROUP BY span.titleline |> SELECT a AS post"

Or, similar to Stych, you could also just run a cURL statement.

curl --url
     --data-urlencode "query=FROM |> GROUP BY span.titleline |> SELECT a AS post"

Connect with psql

You can also connect using the psql frontend.

$ psql -h -U wait_you_can_do_this?

Since LSD syntax does not depend on semicolons but psql does, you can transform web data in more of a REPL approach with entering new lines until you’ve completed the query you’re interested in running.

$ psql -h -U wait_you_can_do_this?
psql (16.4 (Ubuntu 16.4-0ubuntu0.24.04.2), server 0.0.0)
WARNING: psql major version 16, server major version 0.0.
         Some psql features might not work.
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

wait_you_can_do_this?=> lsd <| |
wait_you_can_do_this?-> FROM lsd |> SELECT title;
(1 row)


Connect with web app

You can run SQL from our workbench which works by taking the code written in the editor and running it from a database adapter hosted on our backend. When authenticated in the web app you can have your queries control a browser

Connect with Hyperdrive

Developers building on Cloudflare can use Hyperdrive to reduce the latency between their applications and data on the web. To learn more click here.