Database |> Language |> Keywords |> 




One of the simplest ways we interact with the web outside of our keyboard is with our mouse and the CLICK keyword provides a way of encapsulating that in a SQL primitive where you can specify the element you’re clicking on the same way you’d specify an element to be selected.

FROM url
|> CLICK ON <css_selector>
|> ...


One of the wonderful things about Wikipedia is how many articles there are on random topics. In fact, there are so many some people have built websites solely around finding new random pages. How about an LSD trip that goes to Wiki Roulette and clicks on the Next button to obtain a random article link?

wiki_roulette <| |
random_button <| button.nav-forward.btn-block |

FROM wiki_roulette
|> CLICK ON random_button
|> SELECT iframe@src
