Database |> Language |> Keywords |> 




When you are interested in vertically merging more than one repeating container where you’d otherwise GROUP BY one expression, the AGGREGATE keyword can be helpful.

FROM <url>
|> AGGREGATE GROUPS <css_selector>, <css_selector>
|> SELECT <css_selector>, <css_selector>

An example of this would be when there are two different repeating containers that contain the same field selectors as children

│.container_selector_a │
│                      │
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_a ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_b ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│.container_selector_b │
│                      │
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_a ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_b ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│.container_selector_a │
│                      │
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_a ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_b ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│.container_selector_b │
│                      │
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_a ││
│  └──────────────────┘│
│  ┌──────────────────┐│
│  │.field_selector_b ││
│  └──────────────────┘│

Where the corresponding query to select all instances of .field_selector_a and .field_selector_b would look like the following:

container_a <| .container_selector_a |
container_b <| .container_selector_b |

field_a <| .field_selector_a |
field_b <| .field_selector_b |

FROM url
|> AGGREGATE GROUPS container_a, container_b
|> SELECT field_a, field_b


For a given Wikipedia article, there are section headers in between paragraphs with CSS classes like the following:

│.mw-heading2          │
│.mw-heading3          │
│.mw-heading2          │
│.mw-heading3          │

To obtain the section headers alone we can use the following query with AGGREGATE GROUPS:

wiki <| |
heading_a <| .mw-heading2 |
heading_b <| .mw-heading3 |
heading <| div |

FROM wiki
|> AGGREGATE GROUPS heading_a, heading_b
|> SELECT heading
