There are values you can ASSIGN that have effects on how the resulting data is evaluated or handled.
Breaking down the assignable keywords by the category they place under:
The below are assignable keywords that relate to dealing with antiscraping measures.
If you’re interested in having the page rendering the data you’re interested in emulate a specific device (ie rendering as a specific iPhone version), then the DEVICE keyword may be what you’re looking for.
If you’re only intersted in leveraging mobile rendering as a broad antiscraping measure, see if assigning to the RENDER keyword fits in your code better.
If you’re interested in leveraging proxies as part of antiscraping measures, then the PROXY keyword may be what you’re looking for.
If you’re interested in a simple one-liner to leverage mobile rendering as part of dealing with antiscraping measures, then the RENDER keyword may be what you’re looking for.
The below are assignable keywords that relate to operating from our workbench.
If you’re interested in ensuring visual presentation or playback of browser interactions are accessible, then the PORTAL keyword may be what you’re looking for.
The below are assignable keywords that relate to leveraging fuzzy tooling in order to accomplish web tasks.
If you’re interested in having, as a fallback for when data does not appear, leveraging a vision model to attempt to identify the intended element to interact with, then the VISION keyword may be what you’re looking for.