Intelligence |> 


Huxley is your intelligent web agent that’s capable of deterministically translating natural language input into LSD.


  1. Capabilities
  2. No REST for the wicked
  3. Querying with natural language


Huxley understands the internet on LSD by taking fields labeled in the bibliography plus available modules to translate natural language input into SQL.

When reading an input, Huxley assumes it will match the following structure:

Or, in written form.

<Sentence referencing defined knowledge>.
<Sentence referencing defined knowledge>.
<Describe web traversing>.

For example here’s a natural language input Huxley would be able to interpret:

Based on andrea, fox_news_module.
Following from yev, random_click.
Starting at fox, do random_click, what headlines are on this page.

Note: The newlines are not necessary, sentences could be separated by spaces and are shown this way for readability.

No REST for the wicked

Huxley can translate natural language input provided via query query parameter to our /huxley endpoint.

curl --url
     --data-urlencode "query=what posts are on this page?"
     --data-urlencode "url="

Note: You have options for how to inform Huxley of the page you’re inquiring about. You can either provide a URL string in the query itself or by using the text this page in the query string accompanied by a url query parameter (as shown above).

curl --url
     --data-urlencode "query=what posts are on"

Querying with natural language

Huxley is used as a fallback when handling queries provided to our database so you can technically also provide natural language over psql like so:

$ psql -h -U huxley
psql (16.4 (Ubuntu 16.4-0ubuntu0.24.04.2), server 0.0.0)
WARNING: psql major version 16, server major version 0.0.
         Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

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(30 rows)

